A Personal Message From

I want to congratulate you for considering the purchase of this book.  We as patients need to be fully informed as we go through such a life-altering procedure.  There are so many aspects of this surgery that require knowledge, including nutrition, emotional issues, exercise, and medication. This book will go a long way toward helping you to be safer and more successful as you travel your own journey. Use this as a patient guide to reinforce what your doctor tells you or to more fully explain in easy to understand terms what you are trying to understand.  It will be a book that you will keep close to you for many months. 

 But as you use this book, please remember that in no way should you use it as a substitute for regular consultation with your medical doctor, surgeon or health care professional. The facts in this book are based upon my own personal experience of being a weight loss surgery patient as well as the many hours of research I did to prepare myself for my decision to have the surgery done. I am not implying that your experience will be the same as mine. I am offering you this information so that you will be better able to choose, at your own risk, whether to act upon that information or not. Do not consider this educational material to be the practice of medicine or a replacement of consultations with a physician or other medical practitioner.

If you are considering weight loss surgery, I am extremely happy for you. The resulting weight loss will reward you with many wonderful years of happiness and good health. I give you my best whishes for a successful journey.

Copyright 2000-2019 Barbara Thompson All Rights Reserved