Hello, my name is Wendy and I am a grateful Weight
Loss Surgery recipient! I am 48 years old, married, with one 12 year
old son.
Weight has always been an issue for me. I went on my first diet
when I was in 6th grade. In 12th grade my family doctor prescribed
Dexedrine to help me lose and maintain weight. After college I
tried: 1) thyroid pills even though there was nothing wrong with my
thyroid, 2) a hypnotist, 3) Weight Watchers (multiple times), 4)
Nutri-System (several times), 5) Jenny Craig (twice), 6) a liquid
diet program, 7) the phen/fen drug combination, 8) the Richard
Simmons Deal-A-Meal program, and 9) the Weigh Down Workshop (twice,
and boy did I feel like a bad Christian when I failed this
After all these weight loss attempts my weight was up to an all
time high of approximately 315 pounds. I realized that nothing I had
ever tried was going to give me a permanent weight loss. That is,
until my sister-in-law told me about Carnie Wilson and her weight
loss surgery. I started investigating weight loss surgery seriously
in January of 2001. I filled out my paperwork the first week in
February and was approved by insurance in May. In that time between
February and my surgery date, I ate like an out of control eating
machine. By my pre-op appointment, my weight had climbed to 333.5
pounds. I had my lap RNY on 9/25/01 with Dr. Wittgrove in San Diego
and have not looked back since. I am now almost 2 years out and have
lost 203 pounds!!
As far as how I feel – I feel better than I have since I was a
teenager! I have so much energy now it is amazing. And I eat a
normal amount of calories so my body is not starving or feeling
deprived in any way. Losing weight does not magically change your
life. If emotional or other problems exist now, they still have to
be dealt with after weight loss surgery. However, life does not seem
to be so hard anymore. My outlook on life has really improved!
I just had plastic surgery to remove excess skin and so I am
feeling better about myself than I have in many years. Several
people have asked me if I am glad I had the surgery and I always
answer with an emphatic “YES”!!!!!!! I would do it again in a
Lap RNY 9/25/01
Dr. Wittgrove, Alvarado Hospital
Minus 203 pounds