My name is Jennifer, I am 32, and I weigh 168 pounds right now.
To many people that may not be something special, but it is
incredible to me. See 19 months ago I weighed 429 pounds. That’s
right, 429 pounds. I had Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and the list goes on and on.
I tried everything, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri-System,
you name it, I tried it. I was a regular sized baby, a chunky kid, a
fat teenager, and a morbidly obese adult, according to my doctor’s
chart. It was so hurtful, picking up my own doctor’s file and seeing
those 2 words, “morbidly obese.”
Well, after many years of contemplating, and dieting and gaining,
and dieting and gaining, and loosing money, I became severely
depressed, and turned to drugs. I became an addict of many drugs.
But by the grace of God, I overcame my addiction, and have been off
drugs for 8 1/2 years.
Than in January of 2003 I decided to take the final step in
making myself healthy. I went to an information session on open RNY
gastric bypass surgery, and did everything my insurance called for.
June 2, 2003 I had an open RNY performed by Dr. Robert Cooney at
Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pa. He is an amazing doctor and
Hershey Medical is an amazing hospital. I had great care!
In October of 2004, I had my panniculectomy and hernia repair
done, and as of this morning, I weigh 168 pounds. I no longer have
diabetes, or high blood pressure. I have never been so happy or so
healthy. If I had to do this all over again, I would do it in a
I had no complications from surgery, and I have the best support
in the world, between my fiancee, my mother, and my support group
"New Dimensions" from Hershey Medical Center. They are the best feet
I can get when I need that extra kick in the butt!!
Also, I want to take a moment to thank Barbara Thompson. Your
book and your newsletters are a HUGE inspiration!! All, I want to
say is thank you to God for keeping me healthy, my fiancee for
standing by me through rough times and my mom for being my "Angel."
And to New Dimensions from Hershey Pa, “You guys are the best!”
Jennifer Smith
Before |
After |