My story begins, like so many others, with
years of yo-yo dieting. I began my weight gain in 3rd grade, linked
to a sexual molestation by a neighbor boy. I overate from then on
in order to deal with my feelings. Back then, nobody asked "why" to
weight gain; they just assumed that I was lazy and eating the wrong
foods. My life of dieting commenced.
I was raised by a physician father who
struggled with his own weight issues so he was bound and determined
to make his children thin. Sadly, this was beyond his control but
for years, he kept trying to control my weight any way possible. I
remember years of put-downs, rigorous exercises, strict diets,
fasts, and unbelievable self-esteem issues. Looking back now, I
can't believe how "normal" my weight was and how athletic and
healthy I was despite this entire negative environment.
I proceeded to prove to Dad that I was fat and
ballooned to 280 pounds! My entire adult life was consumed with the
next diet, learning how not to diet and feeling depressed and
unlovable. I continued to be active through all my ups and downs on
the weight loss roller coaster but never felt "good" about my
accomplishments. The glass was always half-empty to me; I was never
good enough or thin enough.
In 1992, I married a wonderful but thin man,
who loved me literally through thick and thin! We met when I was an
active 220 pounds and during our marriage, I blossomed to 280 pounds
But, my body just had enough and I was
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1997. I was devastated. As a
nurse, I knew what that meant. I started seeing many doctors and in
addition to the diabetes was diagnosed with sleep apnea, acid reflux
disease, and adult onset asthma. I was on a ton of medications and
frankly, I was just plain miserable. Although I had a young son, I
could not get pregnant again. Depression reared its ugly head
I started researching obesity surgery in 1999
and attempted to get my insurance to pay for it for over 2 years.
Despite meeting all the physical qualifications, there was that old
exclusion in my health insurance contract that prevented me from
getting my surgery paid for. Lucky for me, I had a very supportive
internal medicine doctor who encouraged me to find the money,
somehow, somewhere, in order to get my health back. My husband and
I sold everything we could and I cashed in all my retirement
accounts to raise most of the money. My life was worth it!
Now, 16 months later, I have shed 115 pounds!
I have just finished 2 marathons - that's 26.2 miles each and feel
better than I have in years. I am off all my medications and am no
longer considered diabetic. People are astonished at the change in
me and my attitude. I am back to floor nursing and I take care of
bariatric patients at the local hospital. I continue to run and
lift weights to firm up as much of me as possible. I am excited
about life. I can celebrate my accomplishments now and feel proud
of who I am and what I have done.
My next goal is to have plastic surgery to
remove the loose skin around my abdomen and waist as it does get in
the way of the running. Raising the additional money will be a
challenge but a worthy one.
I don't know what life has in store for me but
it is with great enthusiasm that I meet each day. I thank God for
all the support from friends and family. I thank God for surgeons
who perform these miracles and provide us with the tools to improve
our health.
Becky Creswell
Becky!! |