I want to offer a special thanks to Inderjit
Salwan of New Delhi, India. I asked
Inderjit how many weight loss surgeries are performed in India.
Here is his reply
There are quite a few surgeons doing surgery
in India; both in New Delhi and Mumbai.
My Surgeon DR. P.K.Chowbey is the leading
Bariatric Surgeon in India and is based in New Delhi, India at Sir
Ganga Ram Hospital. Quite a few Americans have also been operated on
by him here. The cost of a complete RNY gastric bypass package is
around $10,000 US plus traveling.
Unlike in the United States, this surgery is
not very common in India. There are approximately 1,000 to 1,500 RNY
and Lap Band surgeries performed annually. The mortality rate of Dr.
Chowbey is as per International norms for this surgery.
Here is Inderjit’s story:
Hi Barbara,
I am a male and 45 years old. I live in New Delhi, India. I am
happily married to my loving wife Minni and have one son, Yashkaran
who is 15.
Since birth I have always been on the heavier
side and have been constantly fighting with my weight problem. All
through my Boarding School I was a big kid and was always the most
favorite target of my Sport Teacher who made sure that I was
slogging on the play field more than others. If he had it his way,
he would even want me on the play grounds during study hours.
I joined college in 1980 and weighed about 350
pounds. I worked hard and ate right and got down to lowest ever of
190 pounds in about 2 years. I maintained the weight loss from 1983
to 1990 in 190-210 pound range. I then was involved in a car
accident and was operated upon twice, then bed ridden for nearly 3
years. I went from 210 pounds back up to 340 pounds.
Thereafter, I struggled with my weight, losing 30 pounds and gaining
40 pounds; experiencing the “YO YO” effect. It was an annual routine
and I was really worried and tired of it. Finally I decided to have
RNY gastric bypass surgery. My weight was 450 pounds and my BMI at
the time of surgery was 81. I had my surgery in India.
Now 20 months post-op, I weigh197 pounds and it
feels good. One thing which has kept me going with that much weight
to lose was my daily exercise routine.
This has been the best decision I have made and
my life has completely changed. All my health problems have either
vanished or have been cured to a certain extent. After my surgery, I
fell victim to a new addiction which was alcohol. But now 6 months
later, I have learned to control it drastically with great support
from my family and groups like yours. Thanks, Barbara, for helping us
remain on our successful path.
Inderjit Salwan
Inderjit |