WLS Center E-Newsletter

A FREE publication from


Hosted by Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.

Issue #88

March 1, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Please forgive me for going on a bit in this newsletter, but there is just so much I want to say! First of all, I am very excited to be doing a telephone seminar on emotional eating – a topic that is a problem for so many of us. I will be doing it with a psychologist and author who is an authority in this field, Dr. Denise Lamothe!

And there is some important insurance news to share.  Medicare coverage of weight loss surgery is huge and I have an announcement of a brand new e-book on insurance coverage that will be vital to many of you.

Lastly I am touching on some personal issues about families and sex and bringing you an update of responses about pregnancy.  I hope you enjoy it all.

In This Issue


* Families; You Can’t Live With Them…
* End Emotional Eating!! Telephone Seminar
* Loss of Sex Drive
* Weight Loss Surgery: Insurance Secrets – New e-Book
* Pregnancy Update
* Recipe: Chicken Cacciatore
* Success Story: John McElhaney

Families; You Can’t Live With Them…

Hi Barbara-
I have read your book, heard you speak in Lincoln, NE and enjoy your newsletter. I am having some problems with my family and some old friends since my weight loss surgery in May, 2004. I have done very well with my surgery, but my family and some of my friends say I have changed and don’t have time for them now. My opinion is that I have more friends now, I am more willing to go out in public, and I just enjoy life more now. It may be true that I do not have as much time for them as before.  I am also a mother of 4 kids that keep me hopping. They have gotten older and have more activities. I have only a limited amount of time, and I feel like I am very busy trying to keep everyone happy. I am just curious if others go through the same thing.

Deb Schuelke

Hi Deb,
Yes, what you describe is rather common. You have changed.  It is impossible to lose that much weight and not change.  And most people feel very uncomfortable around change. So your family and friends are projecting those negative feelings about change onto you.  You changed; you disturbed their world, so you are at fault.

Additionally, you have lost all that weight. People often feel resentment because you represent what they might not have been able to do. Your success makes them feel very guilty and weak. It makes them feel bad about themselves.

And as you pointed out, you are out doing things you probably have not been able to do in a long time. You are being active. Your weight loss has opened new vistas to you and these vistas have led to new friends. Meanwhile those family members and old friends are thinking, “She’s too good for us now. She doesn’t need us anymore because she has new friends.”

It is too simple to say that it is their problem and you shouldn’t worry about them. You could do that but it would bother you. You care about them, otherwise you wouldn’t have written to me about it. Perhaps try to be honest with them. Tell them that you are enjoying those things that you haven’t been able to do. You could invite them to join you, although I suspect that those activities wouldn’t appeal to them. You are right; you can’t please everyone, but try to be understanding, gentle and loving.  Don’t slow down for them, but perhaps try to find time for a phone call or email. I bet you will feel better if you do. 


End Emotional Eating!!
  Telephone Seminar

With Guest Dr. Denise Lamothe

Would you like to stop emotional eating? Then join me in a telephone seminar on Wednesday March 22nd as I interview Dr. Denise Lamothe, clinical psychologist and author of The Taming of the Chew, A Holistic Guide to Stopping Compulsive Eating, a book that tells the truth about emotional overeating, and then gives solutions that get to the bottom of the problem.
In the hour-long telephone seminar you will learn how to
  • Stop emotional overeating
  • Stop obsessing about food
  • Start feeling in control
  • Turn your stress into constructive action
  • Learn ways to channel your energy into productivity
  • Feel better - to be happier, healthier and live your life with zest

You don’t want to miss getting in on the discussion of this important issue.


Don’t know what a telephone seminar is? Then click here to find out http://www.wlscenter.com/Teleseminar/teleseminar_intro.htm

Mark your calendar now for Wednesday March 22nd 8:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, and 5:00 PM Pacific)

Click here for more information and to register.

Members of the Back on Track Program get a 10% discount by entering your special code!

For more information and to join the
Back On Track with Barbara Mentoring Program
go to http://www.backontrackwithbarbara.com/

Loss of Sex Drive

Jennifer emailed me with a request to ask if anyone is having the same problem that she is. So many of us feel like we are alone and no one is going through what we are. But I have seen over and over that if one person is experiencing something, chances are many more are also.

You can respond to Jennifer directly or respond to me at Barbara@WLScenter.com. If you would like your contact info omitted I will be happy to post your response anonymously.

Dear Barbara,
Thank you very much for having the special article in the last newsletter on post-op babies. One of the many reasons that I had the surgery was that I was unable to get pregnant. The surgery has been a huge success for me. I started at 300 pounds and now am a happy and energetic 145 pounds and feel wonderful. I was so excited as the pounds just kept coming off. As I passed my year I was hopeful that I would finally become pregnant. I have often read that as the pounds come off you must be careful to go on birth control because your hormones will increase and your chances of becoming pregnant will be greater. I followed all the rules and we actually didn't start trying until I was 15 months post-op just to be safe.

But there is one huge obstacle that we are having. Many people have gained a sex drive after surgery. I however have lost mine. It has been a major source of frustration for my husband and me. We talked to our doctor about it and she informed us that there are more people that are having this problem. It is due to estrogen being stored in our fat cells and now that we have lost so much weight, we also lose all that built up estrogen. As time goes by I will regain it, but until then I just have to "keep getting on that bike and trying." I asked about taking supplements and she didn't think that I need them and I just have to be patient.

My husband is so supportive and has been wonderful and very patient. As time is going by, I am becoming more frustrated and wonder if others are truly struggling as much as I am and what they are doing to get over this. Is there something that I can take to help make my hormones come back that is safe? I really need some advice and direction and I hope that you will be able to help me out.

Thank you so much Barbara,


Dear Jennifer,
I know that you are very frustrated, but it is important to follow the advice of your doctor.  If there were safe supplements that would be effective, I’m sure your doctor would have prescribed them to you. I’m afraid that I have to echo what your doctor said and that is to be patient. Perhaps give the “making babies” process a rest. That in itself is stressful as you try to time ovulation and then wait breathlessly to see if you have a period. Just relax for awhile and see if you can get support from those readers of this newsletter who may be experiencing the same thing.

Best wishes!


Weight Loss Surgery: Insurance Secrets
  – New e-Book

Discover the Insider Secrets to Getting Your Insurance Company to Pay for Weight Loss Surgery!!

Learn how to ask your insurance company correctly to pay for weight loss surgery and see results.  Learn how in this brand new e-book by Craig Thompson (no relation!!). There is a “secret language” that Craig teaches as he takes you step by step through the process,  Craig guarantees that your surgery will be covered within 3 months or he will refund your money and you get to keep the e-book. What do you have to lose (except weight)!!

Please Note:  This is an eBook that you download onto your computer and read with Adobe Reader.

Click Here for more information and to order.

Pregnancy Update

We had several people respond to the article in the last issue regarding pregnancy following weight loss surgery. For those responses, Click Here

If you would like your story about pregnancy and child birth added to this page, send it to me at Barbara@WLScenter.com


Chicken Cacciatore

3 whole chicken breasts, skinned and halved
1 tsp. salt
Dash of pepper
1 Tbsp dry onion flakes
1 green pepper, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 (15 ounce) can tomatoes, mashed
1 (4 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
2 tsp. tomato paste
1 bay leaf
2 Tbsp. finely chopped pimento

Wash chicken pieces well and pat dry. Combine remaining ingredients in a slow cooker. Add chicken, pushing down in the liquid to thoroughly moisten and coat. Cover and cook on low for 7 to 8 hours. Makes 6 servings.

Each serving:
120 calories

Success Story:
  John McElhaney

I want to offer special thanks to Eileen and John McElhaney for the following. Here is John’s story.

Hi Barbara,
My name is Eileen McElhaney, and I am writing about my handsome son John. 

John is 24 years old and has struggled with his weight all of his life.   Life was not easy for John. His senior year in high school he gained 40 pounds over the summer, and went from starting center on the high school team to standing on the sidelines.  He never let on that it bothered him and he just cheered on his team mates.  One of his coaches even asked him if he had his own zip code yet. I remember going to a picnic and my friends telling me that John had broken a chair and they felt so bad for him, again he never mentioned it. 

He came to his dad and me a little over 2 years ago and told us he wanted to have the surgery.  I had also contemplated having it but decided I wanted to dedicate my time to helping him through. 

John had his surgery on October 26th, 2004. He went from 329 pounds to 189 pounds.  He has turned into a new person. He now enjoys going out. And buying clothes has become one of his favorite things to do. Since the weight loss surgery, there is nothing John can not do.  It has given him a new life.

Last February, I also had the surgery and this time John helped me.  I hope his picture can be an inspiration for some other young person who may be contemplating the surgery.  On Christmas my family presented John with this picture they had made up of him.  Hope you enjoy it. 

Eileen McElhaney

Congratulations John

I love good news.  If you have good news, a success story to share, or inspiration, please send it to me at Barbara@WLScenter.com so that I can include it in future issues.  

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Reprinted from Barbara Thompson’s free e-newsletter featuring helpful information and research material to help patients succeed following weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com/

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