I want to offer a special thanks to Betsy
Hallatt. Here is her story:
Hi Barbara,
I just want to share my story as it may be a little unique. I am a
60-year old grandmother who had her surgery 20 months ago.
I was born at a normal weight, but by the age
of 7 was a chubby child. My mother placated me with cookies and milk
and almost everything we ate was fried!
In elementary school, I went through the
humiliation of having to shop for the "chubby" sizes. Then during my
fat teen years, the boys made fun of me instead of making passes at
me. However, I was married at the age of 18 and in a few years had 5
When my weight
reached 250 pounds, I went
to Weight Watchers for the first time. I lost almost a hundred
pounds, only to gain it back and then some. I tried everything from
Physicians Weight Loss Clinics to the Atkins diet. Yes, I would
lose, but I couldn’t maintain the loss. I always regained, and more
Finally, in the spring of 2005 I talked to a
friend who had gastric bypass surgery and I secretly began to
research it for myself. I saw Carnie Wilson’s story on the internet
and my husband came into the computer room and saw me there with
tears running down my face. When he asked what was wrong, I simply
said "l want this surgery so badly!" He replied, "Well then, let's
see about it. I love you the way you are, but I hate to see you so
unhappy. Let's look into it and see what the doctor says."
At the time, I was in very poor health. I had
been hospitalized with congestive heart failure several times, was
suffering from edema in my extremities, was borderline diabetic,
suffered extreme joint pain and high blood pressure. I had surgery
on both feet because of the pressure from the weight. I weighed 325
pounds and was slowly dying. I had become a virtual recluse. I hated
to go out because I was so ashamed, and I was so exhausted and in
pain all the time.
I couldn’t sit in a bathtub because I couldn’t
get out. I could barely walk, my legs constantly chafed, and my
ankles were always swollen to the point the only shoes I could wear
were ugly sandals or loafers. I never felt sexy or pretty, and I
wanted to die.
In March of 2005 at the age of 58, I met with
Dr. Gerardo Gomez of the Clarian Bariatric Clinic. He told me I was
a good candidate for the surgery. I had laparoscopic RNY on
September 14, 2005 weighing 325 pounds and wearing a size 28-30
clothing. I had no complications whatsoever.
Today, 20 months later, I weigh 192 pounds and
am about fifteen pounds from my goal. I wear a size 12-14 and am off
all medications. I can walk for miles, ride a bike, sit in a bathtub
and get out easily. I can once again kneel to pray, cross my legs,
buy clothes off the rack, work in my yard and clean my house. Life
is better than it has ever been!!
I told my doctor once that he was my hero. His
answer to me was, “If you built a home, you wouldn’t call the man
who sold you the hammer, the hero. You did the work, you deserve the
credit, and all I did was to provide the tool.”
I am so thankful for this second chance at
life. I rejoice every day in the joy of it!
Thanks for letting me share my story!
Betsy Hallatt
Congratulations Betsy |