WLS Center E-Newsletter
FREE publication from
Hosted by
Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.
Issue #134 |
2008 |

The Voice of Obesity |
Hello Everyone,
Winter is here and most of us are long past the motivation of our
New Year’s resolution. And except for those in the extreme South,
the weather has been pretty bad all across the country. Times like
these make us want to curl up, not move and indulge in some good
comfort food. It’s a tough time. We all go through this. So
don’t feel like you are going through this alone. Hang in there
and Spring will soon be here bringing sunny skies and the chance
to get out and move!
My thanks to the hundreds of readers who
responded to the survey about newsletter topics. The results
appear below. And because you won’t have another newsletter until
the 15th of February, Happy Valentine's
Day to you. Remember, as you
look at your slimmer body that flowers really are much better than
candy (and of course, jewelry tops them all!!).


In This Issue |
* Results Are In
* Some Thoughts on Weight Regain
* Love Yourself Valentine's Day Sale
* Stop and Think before You Grab
* All About Cheese
* Checked Out My Blog Lately?
Recipe: Barbecue Roasted Salmon
* Success Story: Rebecca Spalding
* Spreading the word in Salem, OR |

Results Are In |
In the last issue of the newsletter
http://www.WLScenter.com/NLArchive/jan_15_2008.htm I
asked for your input into what topics you would like
covered in future issues of the newsletter. I got a
terrific response, and I thank you so much. And by the
way, if you missed getting in your two cents, you still
can by accessing the newsletter link above.
Here are the results
of everyone who responded. You want to see articles
69.8 %
Weight Regain
47.1% Exercise
43.8% Nutrition
41.4% Body Image
37.8% Plastic Surgery
37.3% Hunger
33.6% Vitamins
22.3% Side Effects of Surgery
18.7% Hair Loss
7.4% Discrimination against the Obese
2.2% What Kind of Surgery to Have
You are definitely interested in
post-op issues and, of everything on the newsletter, you
like the success stories the best (78.8%). Coming in
second are research articles (71.1%) followed by the
recipes (70.3%).
There were some very interesting
ideas that were put forth in the text section. I really
have a boat load of ideas to make this an
even better newsletter for you. Thank you for your time and wonderful
responses. |

Some Thoughts on Weight
Regain |
When we first had surgery, the trip to
the scale to weigh ourselves was a delight. “How much did I
lose yesterday?” One pound? Two? It was truly weight loss
heaven. For the first time in our lives, our relationship
with the scale was not only friendly but intoxicating!
But over time the weight loss slowed
and then one day it stopped. Hopefully when that day came,
you were at your goal weight. But for most of us, we have
fallen short of that goal. But really, is that so bad?
Weight loss surgery is not designed to get us to goal. It
is a tool to help us hopefully get within 70% to 80% of our
goal weight, to get us to a healthy weight where our obesity
related symptoms disappear.
Reaching goal is a very tough road.
And with the accumulation of hanging skin, and the toll our
excess weight has taken on our joints so that exercise is
sometimes difficult, many of us never see our goal weight.
Most of us can live with that. What we
cannot live with is when we see the numbers on the scale
moving up. Panic sets in. We have all been through the
yo-yo dieting. It is natural to wonder if the same thing
will happen this time.
The problem with weight loss surgery
(especially gastric bypass) is that the weight loss is so
fast and automatic that it gives us a false sense of
security. We start to feel like the pounds will never
return. We feel like we can eat anything and we will still
have the weight problem licked. But we don’t.
As we get further out from surgery, our
appetites return. We haven’t learned how to eat and how to
control those demons. Yes, we know that we are supposed to
eat protein, but what does that actually mean?
And as we get further and further from
our surgery date, our motivation dwindles. We rationalize
that we look OK, certainly better than we did before. And
besides, maintaining a weight to fit into a size 6 or 8 is
just too hard. A size 10 is just fine. But it is when the
size 10 turns into size 12 into size 14 and 16 that we start
to panic.
We each need a rational approach to
maintaining our weight. And sometimes it means just getting
bask to basics – drinking water, exercising, eating protein
first and no grazing. It all sounds so simple, but it’s
tough and we are in this together. If you are struggling
with your weight, don’t feel alone. Most people do, even
after weight loss surgery.
Love Yourself
Valentine's Day Sale |
If you want help with controlling your
weight regain, then join the Back on Track with Barbara
Program. You will relearn what you need to be doing and get
the support from people just like yourself. The lessons work
and the message board is awesome. Hear from someone from the
Program right now:
“I must say that when I post and talk
to people on this message board, I am much more aware of
what I am eating. I eat less and it lasts throughout the
day. If I reach for food, I remember what was said on the
message boards and I feel like, "I can do this", I have
friends here to help me. And I also say a little prayer for
everyone struggling with the same thing at the same time I
Special Offer
For the Month of February
As a special incentive, for the month
of February, anyone who enrolls
in the Back On Track with Barbara Program will receive the first
month at 50% off!
This offer applies to both the 6-month and the 12-month
Click here for more information and to enroll
http://www.backontrackwithbarbara.com/ |

Stop and Think Before You
Grab |
I heard a fascinating set of
statistics last week. To burn off the calories in one single
M & M, you would have to walk the length of a football
field. For one peanut M & M, you would have to walk 1 ½
football fields. And after eating a small bag of M & M’s,
you would have to walk 55 football fields.
Since I heard that, it has made me
really pause before I put something in my mouth. It really
emphasized to me that what we might think is insignificant,
really does count.
Growing up with Weight Watcher diets, I
became accustomed to “free foods.” Those were celery,
carrots, lettuce, otherwise known as “rabbit food.” But if
you were like me, that list of “free foods” started to
expand to include a couple of M & M’s, a few nuts, broken
cookies, a small piece of cheese, all of which add up.
One of the 4 Rules of Success that I
emphasize in my book,
“Weight Loss Surgery; Finding the Thin
Person Hiding inside You” as well as in my
Back on Track
Program is to stop grazing. And I give great tips of how to
break that habit. Grazing is defined as unplanned eating.
It is grabbing a little piece of this, and a little piece of
that in between your meals and planned snacks. Grazing can
not only stop your weight loss in its tracks, but can lead
to weight regain. And honestly, an M & M, which can
eventually lead to eating so many other things, isn’t worth
it. |

All About Cheese |
I must admit,
I love cheese. I could eat it everyday. In fact, if I want
to grab a snack, one of my first thoughts is cheese. But if I
do that, I try to grab Laughing Cow Light cheese with 35
calories a wedge or I indulge in “real” cheese very
Cheese has lots of calcium, so it
must be good for you. Or is it? Here's a quiz to find out how
much you know about this tasty food. The quiz was developed by
the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
You get more bone-building calcium from cheese than from
regular milk. True or false?
Cheese is a major source of cholesterol and sodium. True or
A serving of cheese is 1 ounce. True or false?
One and a half slices of processed (American) cheese is a
serving. True or false?
The average American eats more than 28 pounds of cheese a
year. True or false?
If you add cheese to your McDonald's Quarter Pounder or Burger
King's Whopper, you add an extra 5 grams of saturated fat.
True or false?
A 4-ounce slice of Pizza Hut's Pan Cheese Pizza has 14 grams
of fat, 6 of them saturated. True or false?
Mozzarella has more fat and saturated fat than most other
cheeses. True or false?
Answers: 1)
False; 2) True; 3) True; 4) True; 5) True; 6) True; 7) True;
8) False.
-- Center for
Science in the Public Interest |

Checked Out My Blog Lately? |
If you aren’t receiving my Blog posts
automatically, you could be missing out on some interesting
articles. Just in January there were articles on:
- Weight Loss Surgery and Transfer
- Weight Loss Surgery – A Cure for
Diabetes? New Study Says Yes
- Finally Something to Make Exercise
- What a Future! Obese and Disabled
- Weight Loss Surgery and Appetite
- Dieting: Make Sure the Timing is
- Eating Fruit after Weight Loss
To reach my Blog, go to
http://WeightLossSurgeryBlog.net. On the right hand side
just above the Archives, enter your email address and hit
the Subscribe me! button. This will keep you from missing
out on some great news and articles. |

Barbecue Roasted Salmon |
Salmon is very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain functions and
normal growth and development. They cannot be manufactured by the
body, and must be obtained from the food that we eat. The
American Heart Association recommends eating fish such as salmon
at least 2 times per week. I hope you enjoy this recipe and add it
to your healthy favorites.
Barbecue Roasted Salmon
Cooking spray
¼ cup orange juice
2 T. fresh lemon juice
2 T. light brown sugar
4 tsp. chili powder
2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest
1 tsp. ground cumin
½ tsp. salt
Pinch cayenne pepper
4 (6 oz.) salmon fillets, about 1 inch thick
Preheat oven to 400°. Coat a shallow baking
dish with cooking spray.
In a small bowl, whisk together orange juice,
brown sugar, chili powder, lemon zest, cumin, salt and cayenne
pepper. Using tongs, add salmon fillets to the prepared pan. Pour
the orange juice mixture over the salmon and turn the salmon to
coat both sides. Roast for 15 minutes, until a fork can be easily
inserted into the salmon.
Makes 6 servings.
Nutritional Information per serving:
302 calories, 29 g. protein, 10 g. carbohydrates, 1 g. fiber, 3 g.
 If you have a
recipe that you would like to share in future issues of this
newsletter, please send it to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com |

I want to offer a special thanks to Rebecca
Spalding. Here is her story:
Dear Barbara,
I have been reading your newsletters for several months now, and
felt inspired to send you my story along with some before and after
I am 29 years old and decided in 2003 to have
gastric bypass surgery. At the time of my surgery I weighed 351
and was just sick and tired of being overweight, and feeling sooooooo low. I hated myself and my body. The only person who
supported and encouraged me in getting the surgery was my father.
The rest of my family and friends were very scared for me and really
did not want me to risk my life with the surgery. Every time there
was a "special" on television about a weight loss surgery gone
wrong, they were quick to call me and have me watch. I did take
their care and consideration to heart, but I had to make the
ultimate life/death decision for myself.
My journey began with a trip to my doctor's and
I asked "would I be qualified to have weight loss surgery"? He told
me what I needed to do, and my journey began. I had to be approved
by the dietician, surgeon, and cleared through the psychologist. I
went through a year of dietary classes which met once a month. I
finally got to go to St. Vincent's seminar and meet their staff. I
also had to go through a lot of blood work and other tests, and have
a sleep study done to make sure I did not have sleep apnea. After
the long awaited year and planning, I was scheduled for surgery!
Surgery took place on Jan. 16th, 2004 at St.
Vincent Charity Hospital, in Cleveland, OH. My surgeon was Dr.
Sonpal, and I highly recommend him to anyone! He has exceptional
bedside manners, and answered all my questions thoroughly. The whole
team at St. Vincent's was just remarkable!
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, and once
home I was in a little pain but not as much as I thought I would be.
It was more just being uncomfortable. I was off work for 2 months, and in
that short time I lost about 60 pounds. When I went back to work
people didn't recognize me! What a GREAT feeling!
It is now 2008, and I am almost 4 years
post-op. Since the surgery I have had 2 incisional hernias, but they
were fixable. I have lost 184 pounds! This surgery truly has been a
gift. Not only did my health improve, but my self esteem has
improved also! I have not yet reached my goal of 135 pounds; I have
about 30 pounds to go. But I hope to get there this year.
I am currently looking into having
reconstructive surgery, but it costs a lot of money and
my insurance company
does not feel it is a necessity.
If you are reading this and are considering the
surgery I have 2 HUGE suggestions. They are to exercise from day one
and to go to support group meetings that are offered in your area.
The surgery did 80% of the work. We are responsible for the other
20%. The only way to achieve and maintain your goal weight is to
follow the directions of your surgeon and to change your way of
living, and eating!
God bless and Good luck!
Rebecca Spalding
Congratulations |

Spreading the Word In Salem, OR |
Friday evening February 8th I will be speaking for
Salem Hospital at a gala event they will be having. If you would
like to attend, contact Catherine Quinn, 503-561-3727,
catherinequinn@salemhospital.org . I have not been to Oregon
for a long time and I'm really looking forward to this!


Permission to
Reprint |
You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
“Reprinted from Barbara Thompson’s free
e-newsletter featuring helpful information and research material to
help patients succeed following weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at
http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com ”
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