WLS Center E-Newsletter
A FREE publication by
Issue # 33, Oct. 2, 2003
Circulation: 8,913
From the Desk of Barbara Thompson
Author of "Weight Loss Surgery, Finding the Thin Person Hiding
Inside You"
** In this Issue **
* Research Article: Whose Fault is Fat?
* Question about Fatigue
* Recipe: Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes
* Success Story: Teesha Lane Murphy
* Spreading the Word in Waterloo and Tulsa
Dear Subscriber,
I don’t have as much time to read as I used to, but I am reading
a fabulous book at the moment that I highly recommend. It is called
“Fat Land, How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World” by
Greg Critser. Mr. Critser traces our obesity through the 1970’s when
the US Department of Agriculture tried to bolster sagging farm
prices by boycotting meat. It is about how we came to have such an
incredible weight problem in this country through political
interests and tax cuts which led to local schools having to partner
with fast food companies because their funds for their cafeterias
had been cut, and how these same tax cuts caused physical education
programs to be cut. It is disheartening to discover how many people
knew the harm they were causing yet greed caused them to continue.
The interests of a few have led to a national health crisis.

** Question about Fatigue **
Hi Barbara,
I am 10 weeks post-op. I have lost 43 pounds and "my get up and
go has got up and went." I'm hoping that you might offer some
suggestions. I am taking 2 multiple vitamins, a B-12 tablet, iron
and calcium citrate (liquid). Your book has been such a source of
reference on so many different occasions and I have strongly
recommended it at our local support group. In fact I have
recommended it to everyone thinking about weight loss surgery and to
those who have pending surgeries.
Prior to surgery, in spite of my 232 pounds, I was active. Now I
find mornings to be the worse time, sometimes I want to doze at my
desk. I work in a high school guidance office. I have been getting
in my daily protein both in solid form and drinking a protein shake
which has 43 grams of protein. I know that I'm not getting in all
the water I should but I am working on that, too. I discussed
this with my surgeon and he says, “This too, shall pass.” I'm hoping
you might have a solution.
Hazel Shadduck
Hi Hazel,
I am happy that you have enjoyed my book so much and that you have
agreed to let me publish your question in the e-newsletter.
Since you have consulted with your doctor, let me take a stab at
it. I have several suggestions. Here are my thoughts:
1) You have had major surgery and even after 10 weeks you may
still be recovering, although by 10 weeks most people have bounced
back. You don't mention your age, but the older you are the longer
it takes to recover. So this might account for some of it.
2) You mention that you are taking a B-12 tablet. After surgery,
your ability to absorb pills is decreased. You may want to have your
B-12 levels checked via a very simple and accurate blood test.
If your levels are low, try monthly B-12 injections. Low
levels of B-12 will definitely make you feel tired.
3) You are taking 2 multi vitamins. I suggest
that you switch to the multivitamin
that I sell. It will supply you with all of the vitamins you
need and because it is isotonic when mixed with
water, they are being absorbed within 5 minutes of taking
them and at the highest concentration.
4) I highly recommend that you take my OPC
product. It is an antioxidant supplement
that will improve your immune system and give you more
energy. I have never taken anything that has made me feel better.
I have more energy and have not been sick or had a cold since I
started taking it. Now this is not the miracle cure for the
common cold, but it has boosted my immune system. And with my
traveling and speaking I am exposed to who knows what on airplanes,
I am constantly around large groups of people and in very stressful
situations. Yet I feel great. If you want
to take a significant step towards better health, call my office
toll free (877) 440-1518 for more
information or to order.
5) Although you are taking an iron supplement, I recommend that
you have your iron levels checked. If your iron supplement is
non-prescription, you might need something stronger. I take Nifrex
150 Forte which is available by
prescription only.
6) You seem to have the protein, calcium, and water covered. I am
wondering what you have eating in the morning. Are you eating
any carbohydrates or juice that has natural sugar or milk? You may
be experiencing a mild dumping. One of the symptoms of dumping
is extreme tiredness.
I hope some of this will help you. Continue consulting with
your doctor, consider my suggestions and let me know how you are

** How Do You Maintain Your Weight Loss? **
Are you 2 or more years post-op? If so, I need to know what
your secret is for maintaining your
weight. I will be using your story to include in a
mini e-book on the secrets of success of weight loss surgery
patients. You must write at least 1
full page. Anything less than 1 page will not be
useable. I need to know how you eat, what you do for
exercise, and any tips that you have to
offer. This will be a tremendous help to people who are
having the common problem of weight gain following surgery,
or are struggling to maintain their weight
Send your stories to
** Recipe: Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes **
What a neat and yummy recipe. You will love this. It has lots of
protein and the blueberries provide a natural antioxidant which you
get from dark colored fruits and vegetables. Enjoy!
1 Graham cracker
1/4 cup apple juice
1/4 tsp Jello powder, any flavor except lemon
4 oz Yogurt, any fruit flavor, non fat and light
2 Tbl ricotta cheese
2 Tbl brown sugar substitute
1/2 tsp lime juice
1/2 cup blueberries, raw
Spray an individual custard cup with nonstick spray. Crush the
Graham cracker and add 1/2 of the apple juice. Mix with a fork and
press the crumbs into the bottom of the cup and up the sides. Bake
for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool completely.
To make the filling, heat the remainder of the apple juice until
it is hot but not boiling. Sprinkle the Jello gelatin powder over
the apple juice and stir until it dissolves. In a blender or food
processor blend the ricotta cheese, yogurt, gelatin mixture, brown
sugar substitute, and lime juice until smooth. Fold 3/4ths of the
blueberries into the mixture. Put the mixture into the custard cup,
top with the remaining blueberries. Refrigerate for 2 hours before
If you have a recipe that you would like to share in future
issues of this newsletter, please send it
to me at
** Success Story: Teesha Lane Murphy **
I want to offer special thanks to Teesha of Denver for her story.
We both share a special admiration for Dr. Michael Snyder in Denver.
I spoke for Dr. Snyder in December of last year and hope to return.
Here is Teesha’s story:
My name is Teesha, I am 31 years old, and had laparoscopic RNY
surgery on Feb. 4, 2003. I can't begin to explain how thrilled
I am that I have lost 135 pounds already!
I started getting heavy in junior high, and by the age of 15,
weighed 150 pounds. I consistently gained 10 pounds with every
year of my life, even though I stayed as active as my friends.
After I was married, I ate portions equivalent to those of my
husband. He has hovered around 175 pounds all his life, and I
watched myself get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. By the time
I was 30 I weighed 300 pounds.
I was never one of those people that complained to her friends
about weight. I didn't want to be one of those friends that
are always whining about which diet they were on, or what cute
clothes they couldn't fit into. A couple of my friends were
surprised that surgery was something I was even considering, because
they didn't think I had a problem with my size.
Believe me, on the inside, I was horrified, mortified,
embarrassed and depressed. I knew that in almost any public
place I was that I was the biggest person in the room. That is
a tremendously horrible feeling.
For the rest of Teesha’s story with before and after photos, go
I love good news. If you have good news, a success story to
share, or inspiration, please send it to
me at Barbara@wlscenter.com
so that I can include it in future issues.
** Permission to Reprint **
You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print
or electronic newsletter. But please include the following
Reprinted from Barbara Thompson’s free e-newsletter featuring
helpful information and research material to help patients succeed
following weight loss surgery. Subscribe at
http://www.wlscenter.com. If
you like this newsletter, please pass it on to your friends and