WLS Center E-Newsletter
FREE publication from
Hosted by
Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.
Issue #79 |
October 15,
2005 |

Hello Everyone,
We are getting into the Fall months and Halloween will soon
be here. Here’s a tip. When buying candy for those Trick or
Treaters, buy something that you don’t like. For instance, I
don’t buy small candy bars- especially little Hershey bars. I can
eat one of those and not experience dumping. They are just too
easy to graze on. I try to buy gummy type candy, or something
like Skittles. Those are not at all appealing to me.
In the article below, I talk about grazing.
It is a universal problem no matter when you had surgery or what
type of surgery you’ve had. For some of us, grazing is something
that we can tame but never fully conquer. So I hope I have
offered some tips to help.

In This Issue |
* Grazing: That Great Nemesis
* Research Article: How Much Exercise Is Enough?
* Mentoring Program Is Off and Running
* Recipe: “Fried” Chicken
Success Story: Fannie LaGreca |

Grazing: That Great Nemesis |
After we have surgery, binge eating is
difficult. We have the small pouch that just won’t permit it.
And if we even try, up it comes or we have such a tummy ache
that the pain reinforces our determination not to do that again
(at least for awhile).
But what about those little bites of this
and little bites of that which just go down so very easily. That is
one of the most difficult things to conquer. And
learning to control grazing can mean the
difference between success and failure.
Grazing is “unplanned eating.” It is not
eating small meals. And you can eat little bites all day, as
long as you plan for it. Huh??? Does that sound like double
speak? Let me explain.
We are the product of calories in versus
calories used, so calories still count, even after you have
surgery. So if you have a specific plan, not just a plan to not
graze, but a plan of exactly how much you are going to eat,
and stick to it, you’ll be just fine. How you split up that
food, doesn’t really matter. For instance, if you plan to have
1200 calories during a day, you can spread those calories out
anyway that you want. You can eat that food anytime, not just
at mealtime. However, if you are planning meals and then
snacking in between on foods that you haven’t figured in, then
you are grazing.
There are many reasons why people graze.
One is that they have a food addiction. They need food to help
them cope with any emotion in their lives. Another reason is
that they are not eating enough and find that they are hungry
because they aren’t getting enough at meal time. That is
especially common as we progress with the size of our pouch. We
think we should be satisfied with very tiny meals for the rest
of our lives. That is unrealistic. At some point, we need to
transition to eating like normal weighted persons, maybe not in
such large quantities at once, but the same quantity divided
into more eating “episodes” throughout the day.
So if you have problems with grazing, here
are some things to consider:
- Plan out your food or calories for the
- Spread it out into as many
meals that
work for you
- If you are grazing, ask yourself why you
are eating – hunger or emotion
- If it is emotion, try dealing with those
emotions in another way than food, or consider getting
- If you are grazing because of habit or
boredom, start a food log. It is a very effective deterrent
if you have to write down everything you are eating before you
put it into your mouth.
Grazing can be conquered. It is a habit
that you can break. It is tough, but
you can do it. |

How Much Exercise Is
Enough? |
I heard a surprising statistic 2 weeks ago.
It is that 60% of US adults get less than 10 minutes of exercise
Wow, of course that means that all you have
to do is to exercise 11 minutes a week or 1 minute and 34
seconds per day and you are doing better than 60% of people out
there. Can you do that? If you say you are too busy to
exercise, can you at least find 1 minute and 34 seconds per
day? Sure you can!! It’s a start!!
CNN had an article recently on how much
exercise is enough. It can be very confusing and this article
attempts to sort it all out. Here is the article:
http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/SM/00068.html |

Mentoring Program Is Off and
Running!! |
“I have lost
8 pounds and am back in my size 10 pants. I am back on my
exercise program again. I am feeling so much more positive
about me.
I am so happy
about Barbara's mentoring program. This is really what I
needed to get back on track.”
-- Sandy M. |
One of the most frequent questions I am
asked is, “Is it too late to join the Mentoring Program?”
The answer is no,
you can join anytime!!!
The almost 100 people who have joined the
Mentoring Program love it! We had our first telephone seminar
last Sunday evening. The next telephone seminar will be on a week
day night. If you become a member, you'll be
able to join us!
If you are regaining weight or have never
reached your goal weight and want to get back on track, go to
You will get more information and find out how you can register.

This chicken is baked but really tastes fried. I bet you’ll
love it! Ingredients:
1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1/8 cup (1/2 ounce) grated Parmesan cheese
1/8 cup finely chopped almonds
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon dried thyme
Pinch of ground black pepper
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pounded to 1/2"
thickness and cut into 6 pieces
Sprig Italian parsley, for garnish Directions:
Pound the chicken breasts and cut into 6 pieces. Combine the first
8 ingredients. Dip the chicken in the oil and roll in the crumb
mixture. Bake the chicken in a 400° degree oven for 25 minutes or
until done or juices run clear. Do not turn chicken while baking.
Nutritional Information:
383 calories
15 g carbohydrate
41 g protein If you have a recipe that you would like
to share in future issues of this
newsletter, please send it to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com |

I want to offer a special thanks to Fannie
LaGreca. Here is her story:
Hi Barbara,
I was overweight all of my life. I graduated from high school in
1985 weighing 180 pounds. By the time I was 22 I weighed 220 pounds.
My weight went up and down as I went from diet
to diet. I did them all; Deal a Meal, Weight Watchers, Nutri-System,
and nothing worked. Even if I lost 20 pounds, I would gain back 40
just because I never learned how to eat. I finally gave up on
dieting and accepted that I was fat and decided to just go with it.
By the time I was 36 I was over 300 pounds.
In the summer of 2001 I had the worst burning
in my chest while I was driving to work one morning. I took off my
bra because I thought some kind of irritant was in the material. I
soon realized that the bra was not the problem. I had just
experienced the absolute worst heartburn I had ever felt. From that
day on I carried Pepto Bismal with me all the time. You would think
that would change my eating habits. No way! I continued to eat a big
breakfast, equally big lunch and certainly not a sensible dinner.
The weight just packed on.
One night I was bowling with some friends and I
saw a girl I had seen a few weeks past. She looked like she had lost
weight. I asked her what she was doing to have lost so much weight
in such a short time. She told me she had gastric bypass surgery. I
had heard of the surgery when Carnie Wilson had her surgery. Now, I
was curious. She told me she had it performed at Alvarado Hospital
in San Diego. I went home and looked it up online. I got a schedule
when the surgeons were speaking about the procedure and I attended a
meeting in July 2003. There was a patient who stood up and said he
lost 97 pounds in three months. I was amazed. I thought, ‘Hey, this
is for real!’ It was so radical I thought that it just might work
for me. I sighed up that day and started the paperwork.
In early February I was notified that my
surgery date was March 23, 2004. After surgery I had two
complications that were dealt with and since May 2004, I have never
felt better.
Today I weigh 157 pounds. I went from a BMI of
47 to a BMI of 24. I went from a size 24 to a size 11/12 and I have
not had heartburn since my procedure. I thank God and my surgeon all
the time. This has truly been a tool that has saved my life. I have
learned how to eat to live and not live to eat.
Barbara, thank you so much for the newsletter
and many blessings to you.
Fannie LaGreca
Oceanside, Ca
Before |
After |
I am getting a little short of success
If you have considered writing yours,
please send it to me along with your before and after
pictures. If you have submitted your story in the past and it
hasn’t been printed, please resubmit it. It may very well
have gotten lost in the shuffle!! |
I love good news. If you have good news, a
success story to share, or inspiration,
please send it to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com so that I can
include it in future issues. |

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You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
from Barbara Thompson’s free e-newsletter featuring helpful
information and research material to help patients succeed following
weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at
http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com |

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