WLS Center E-Newsletter
FREE publication from
Hosted by
Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.
Issue #80 |
2005 |

Hello Everyone,
This weekend I went on my last bike ride of the season.
Well at least I tried! It turned out that it was too cold to do
much and my 22 mile planed ride turned into only 8 miles. For the
most part it has been a wonderful Fall, but the cold weather is
soon coming.
When it’s cold, we have a tendency to huddle up into a ball to
try to keep warm and not do too much moving. That has to come
from our caveman ancestors. I know it has always been hard for me
to embrace the cold and love winter sports.
I would love to know ways that you keep active during the
winter. Do you venture out to walk when it is below freezing? Do
you go ice skating or skiing? Do you mall walk? I admit I don’t.
I hit the gym. So I am always looking for inspiration on ways to stay active when
it is cold. I search for these because the only way I am able to
maintain my weight is through exercise, and variety in exercise is
so important.
Please let me know your methods and what you do when the
temperature dips. Email me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com so I can share them.

In This Issue |
* Shame On Wal-Mart
* Back On Track Mentoring Program
* Recipe: Chicken and Apples Normandy
* The Horror of Hair Loss
Success Story: Wendy Belvick
* Spreading the Word in Houston, Orange, CA and Cleveland |

Shame on Wal-Mart |
Wal-mart, America’s largest employer with annual profits of $10
billion was embarrassed this week when an internal memo leaked
by the New York Times revealed that executives want to
dissuade “unhealthy” workers from applying for jobs at Wal-Mart.
It was evident from the memo that one characteristic of
“unhealthy” is obesity. Makes one wonder how far we may be from
employers charging higher health care premiums for being obese.
We have seen Southwest airlines charge morbidly obese passengers
double fare. Are movie theatres far behind? Many have asked
the question, “Is Obesity a Disease?” With the discovery of over
300 genes that contribute to obesity in terms of our appetite,
metabolism and how fat is stored, the answer to the question
seems obvious. Whether obesity is a disease is such an
important question because the answer will determine who gets
treated for obesity, what treatments are available, who pays for
the treatment and who stays healthy. Recognizing obesity as a
disease will ultimately work to eliminate discrimination in
employment, and in other areas of our lives.
I would like to introduce you to an organization that you may
not have heard of. It is the Obesity Action Coalition. Here is
their website
http://www.obesityaction.org/home/index.php You will be
hearing more about them in future issues of this newsletter. In
the meantime, check out their website and please consider
joining. We can unite and do so much good. |

Back On Track Mentoring Program |
Join the Mentoring Program
The Back on Track mentoring Program is an internet mentoring
program in which Lessons are emailed to you every week for 26
weeks. It includes a Message Board and Teleseminars led by
The Program
is self paced so you can join at any time.
If you aren’t happy with your weight loss or are regaining
weight, read on.
Here is what one member wrote:
“Barbara, God bless you! This program has been a life saver
for me, and I mean that literally. My depression was starting to
go way down hill. I have actually lost 2 pounds this week, but
the best part is that I am learning to eat right and care about
myself. Thank you also to everyone who has talked on this forum.
I love having the teamwork and support. Thank you all for being
honest and helpful.”
Internet Weight Loss
Programs work!!!
A 2005 US Air Force study showed that those enrolled in an
internet weight loss Program were 3 times more likely to meet
their weight loss goal than those who weren't on an Internet
weight loss program.
Go to
http://www.BackOnTrackWithBarbara.com for more information
on the Program and to register. |

Chicken and Apples Normandy |
2 Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped (do not peel them)
1 large onion, chopped
1 1/2 cup apple cider or apple juice
1/4 cup cider vinegar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tbl flour
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 pound skinless boneless chicken breasts
2 tsp olive oil
3 Tbl light sour cream
In a medium saucepan combine the apples, onion, cider, vinegar
and ½ tsp salt. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat,
cover and simmer for about 7 minutes
Meanwhile, on a plate combine flour, black pepper and remaining
salt. Dust the chicken in the flour mixture. In a large skillet
heat the oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and cook turning
once until browned, about 5 minutes. Add the apple mixture and
bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook until the
chicken is cooked through, about 10 minutes longer.
Remove the chicken with a slotted spoon. Stir the sour cream
into the apple mixture, spoon over the chicken and serve.
Makes 4 servings
Nutritional information for each serving:
Calories: 284
Carbohydrates: 31 grams
Protein: 28 grams
If you have a recipe that you would like
to share in future issues of this
newsletter, please send it to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com |

The Horror of Hair Loss |
I have always felt that the cruelest
trick that weight loss surgery plays on many of us is hair loss.
Significant hair loss occurs in approximately 30% of post-op
patients. Those are the statistics, but from all of the support
groups I have visited and speaking events that I have attended,
the number seems higher. Hair loss will start about 4 months
after surgery and will continue for about 3 months. It is such a
cruel trick because hair loss starts at a time when you are not
yet happy with yourself and your weight loss. I don’t know about
you, but there were few things that I liked about myself before my
surgery and one of them was my hair. If I had to face losing just
about the only thing I liked about myself, I would have had a
tough time. Fortunately I was not one of the many who had to face
Hair loss is additionally upsetting because hair will come out
at a significant rate. You will find clumps of hair in your hair
brush, on the shower floor when you are washing your hair. It is
frightening. You have visions of losing all of your hair and being
that way forever!!
The good news is that your hair will grow back in almost all
cases. Starting about the 6th or 7th month,
new growth starts to show. Be forewarned that your hair sometimes
comes back a little different than it was before. For instance,
it may be curly whereas before it was straight.
It is not known exactly why some patients lose up to 50% of
their hair following surgery. It is speculated that it is because
You are going through the shock of major surgery and
this shock causes hair loss. This sometimes happens with other
surgery as well.
Combined with the shock of surgery, you are eating
very little following surgery. Hair is actually a dead protein
called keratin, so the lack of protein shows in the quality of
quantity of your hair.
There are some steps that you can take to try to minimize
hair loss, although there are no guarantees that some of these
will work. But it is worth a try.
- Eat as much protein as you possibly can.
Strive for 60 grams in whatever form you can whether it is
through food or protein shakes and bars.
- You may want to try biotin which is
available in health stores, although I have never read any
studies that show that it works with weight loss surgery
- You may also want to try minoxidil which
you can get in any drug store.
- Get you hair cut shorter. A shorter hair
cut makes your hair look fuller
- Buy a wig or just a hair piece for the top
of your head.
If you are concerned about hair loss, eating enough protein,
using biotin and minoxidil are things that you will want to do
right after surgery. If you wait until you have a problem, it
will be too late and the remedies will not work any faster than
just going through the process.
Hopefully, you will not be one of the percentages who
experience hair loss. But if you are, remember, it is a small and
temporary price to pay for a lifetime of good health, better self
esteem and freedom from the effects of the disease of morbid
Taken in part from my book, Weight Loss
Surgery; Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You. 3rd
edition, 2003.
order a copy
click to visit our store

I want to offer a special thanks to Wendy Belvick. Here is her
story: I have been on every diet and all of the weight loss
meds on the market and with every attempt I would lose weight only
to gain it all back again, plus some. With my medical problems, Type
1 diabetes, Graves disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, high
cholesterol, I knew for my health and my family, I needed something
more drastic. I wanted to be a participant in my family's life
and at that point I was watching my boy’s childhood from the
sidelines most of the time because I didn't have the energy to be
involved with them or my husband and felt too insecure to try.
I started investigating weight loss surgery seriously two years
ago and eventually got to meet Dr. Greenbaum at his support group 8
months prior to my surgery. I talked to him about my health concerns,
met his patients and learned invaluable information. After that,
I chose to place my future with him and on March 15th,
2004 I had gastric bypass surgery with the help of my wonderfully
supportive husband and my two little boys, along with friends and
Since then, I have been able to set and complete some new
goals for myself. I can run and play with my children and enjoy
family outings. I feel confident and have more self-esteem in
handling daily situations. I’m on half the amount of insulin, have
replaced my medications with protein supplements and vitamins and
have so much energy now that I can’t live without the gym. It is
amazing! I feel the best I have felt in my whole life and finally
feel like a “normal” person.
I have gone from a size 22/24 to a size 12/14! This surgery is a
good “tool” but not a cure. It does give you that good jump-start to
get your life back, by eating the right things and exercising, but
it is definitely a lifestyle and a mindset change!
I thank God for answering my prayers, and my surgeon for giving
me back my life, and all the friends I met in support groups that
have given me invaluable knowledge, strength and encouragement. My
outlook on life has really improved and when people have asked me if
I am glad I had the surgery, I always say yes, it has saved my
life. I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Wendy Belvick
Willingboro, NJ
Before |
After |
I love good news. If you have good news, a
success story to share, or inspiration,
please send it to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com so that I can
include it in future issues. |

in Houston, LA and Cleveland |
I will be speaking at 2 upcoming
Obesity Help events; a Regional Event in Houston on November 19th
and a National Event in Orange County, CA, on December 2-4th.
Click here for details:http://www.obesityhelpevents.com/
I will also be in Cleveland, at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
on Thursday December 8th, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, in
the Lerner Research Institute Building, Carnegie between 96th
and 100th, Cleveland, OH. This event is free and open
to the public.
Please Note: If you are interested in having me speak for your
practice, call me for details 877-440-1518. |

Permission to
You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
from Barbara Thompson’s free e-newsletter featuring helpful
information and research material to help patients succeed following
weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at
http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com/ |

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