WLS Center E-Newsletter
FREE publication from
Hosted by
Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.
Issue #123 |
August 15,
2007 |

The Voice of Obesity |
Hello Everyone,
My research article below highlights problems that have been
identified with a vitamin B deficiency. This underscores the
importance of having regular check ups with your surgeon. I have a
PCP that I just love who doesn’t know anything about the needs of
gastric bypass patients and who isn’t reading the latest research
in the field and looking for things to watch out for in patients.
Your PCP is probably the same. One of the best ways to stay healthy is to keep in contact with
your surgeon. Weight loss surgery is not only a life-long
commitment, but a life long relationship with your surgeon.


In This Issue |
* Research Article: Getting in Your B’s
* Survey Results
* New Century Club
* Understanding the Obesity Stigma
* Blogging Along
* Recipe: Chilled Cantaloupe Soup
* Success Story: Diane Gentner
Spreading the Word in Danville, PA |

Research Article: Getting in
your B’s |
When we have gastric bypass or duodenal
switch surgery, we have to make a commitment to taking
vitamin supplements for the rest of our lives. The stomach
and the first part of the small intestines is where a lot of
vitamins and nutrients are absorbed from the food that we
eat. Taking vitamins to offset this malabsorption is
extremely important and something that we have to take very
A new study from the University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences finds that 5% of patients are
deficient in B vitamins, some with very serious
consequences. Dr Sami Harik, Chair of the Department of
Neurology noticed that weight loss surgery patients were
coming to see him with symptoms of tingling in their hands
and feet. This led him to do a study of 150 weight loss
surgery patients who came in for treatment. Of those, 26 had
neurological symptoms directly related to their surgery and
were deficient in B12 and iron. Most of the affected
patients had not been taking their B vitamins.
Don’t wait for these symptoms to show
up. Take B vitamins and have your B levels checked through
blood tests. And for information about the vitamins that I
take, click here

Survey Results |
In the last newsletter issue, I included
a survey. Thanks to all who responded Here is a summary of
the results.
The majority of you have had problems
with your iron levels, and unfortunately the majority also
have not reached their goal weight. But the good news is, that
those who did reach their goal weight, about half have been
able to maintain that goal weight. The majority of people have
regained some weight, but not an excessive amount. And your sex
life has improved for slightly more than half of you.
To see the specifics, click here
Again, thanks for your responses and
please keep submitting those questions to me at
Barbara@WLScenter.com. |

New Century Club Program |
Due to popular
demand, I have decided to revive the Century Club. For those
of you who have lost 100 pounds or more since your surgery, I have
created a new program for you to celebrate your success.
Here is how it will work. You will
need to write two success stories and submit before and
after photos. One story will be the length of a typical
success story in my newsletter and will possibly be in a future
newsletter. The other story will be a very condensed version
of your success story that will be immediately posted on my
website in the Century Club section with a length of no more than
150 words. You can include any contact information you want
at the end of your story but remember that this will be posted on
the internet for everyone to see.
All condensed stories will be posted on my
website. If I select your newsletter length story for
posting in my newsletter, I will send you an official Century Club
ribbon that I give out during my speech presentations.
Submit your two success stories and photos
to Frank@WLScenter.com
along with your name, mailing address, and email address for our
use only to contact you. |

Understanding the Obesity Stigma |
You’ve had your surgery, your weight is
getting down to normal, but you know there is still so much
discrimination toward the obese. Even if you are no longer the
target, haven’t you cringed hearing someone talk negatively about
the obese, not knowing that was you just a year or so earlier? And
consider the story that I wrote about in my blog about the man who
was denied the privilege of adopting his cousin’s baby because he
is morbidly obese.
If you have ever wondered how you could help,
The Obesity Action Coalition has a wonderful brochure called
Understanding the Obesity Stigma which you can download or
order copies free of charge. The brochure discusses the damaging
effects of weight stigma such as depression, social rejection by
peers, low self-esteem, employment discrimination and much more.
Consider ordering some and placing them around your work place. |

It's Time to get Back On Track
you’re not happy with your weight loss,
then join the
Back on Track with Barbara Internet Mentoring
Back On Track with Barbara is a 6-month or
a 12-month
membership program that provides an
internet mentorship for those
who are struggling with weight regain after weight loss
surgery. It also benefits those who have never reached their
goal weight after surgery |
Here is a recent
comment from a new member:
have gotten so much form the Back on Track Program. I have
learned so much from the lessons and from reading everyone’s
posts on the yahoo group. I want thank you all for your honesty,
guidance and support. I think we're all experts when it comes to
dieting and exercise. But it's rare to be able to talk about how
we feel. You've provided me with a safe haven and I will never
forget you guys for that. I believe the best way to find peace
is to connect with others. I've been able to do that here.
For more
information or to join the Program, go

Blogging Along |
Check out my Blog
and be sure to leave your comments.
Since the beginning of this month, there are new articles there
* Safety
at Larger Hospitals
* The
Fat Penalty
Finding Your Ideal Weight |
If you especially like a specific post in my
Blog, be sure to email it to a friend.
Visit my Blog at
http://WeightLossSurgeryBlog.net and leave a
comment. |

Cantaloupe Soup |
I just love soup however, when the
temperatures are this high, piping hot soup is a little less
appealing. Why not try a cold soup. Here is a recipe for a cold
soup made with cantaloupes which are delicious and reasonably
priced right now.
Chilled Cantaloupe Soup
1 cantaloupe – peeled, seeded and cubed
2 cups orange juice
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Place cubed cantaloupe and and half the
orange juice in a blender or food processor. Cover and process
until smooth. Transfer to a large bowl. Stir in the lime juice,
cinnamon and the remaining orange juice. Cover and refrigerate at
least 1 hour. Garnish with mint if desired.
Makes 6 servings
Nutritional information per serving:
70 calories; 16 carbs and 1.4 protein
 If you have a recipe that you would like to share in future issues
of this newsletter, please send it to me
Barbara@WLScenter.com |

I want to offer Diane Gentner a special
thanks. Here is her story:
I have been overweight for as long as I can
remember. Both my parents were overweight and I have been
successful on every diet plan I could afford. And I always gained
the weight back. I began to research weight loss surgery in 2004.
I had heard so many horror stories and was hesitant to do something
so permanent. Conventional wisdom told me that I should be able to
reduce calories and increase exercise and get myself to a healthy
weight and size.
In November of 2005 I was diagnosed with
Endometrial Carcinoma and scheduled for a total hysterectomy in
December. My research and my GYN Endocrinologist told me that the
cancer was estrogen-driven and that body fat increased estrogen.
The only steps I could take for myself to reduce the recurrence of
the cancer was to lose weight. In addition to that, my pre-op blood
work indicated “impaired glucose tolerance.” I was headed toward
Type-2 Diabetes. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes at age 62
and died of a heart attack within 2 years.
Coming up in June 2006, I would be turning 60
and I had a strong desire to live longer than my mom. I contacted
my surgeon at Wright Patterson Air Force Medical Center and told him
that I was ready for gastric bypass surgery. Four months after my
hysterectomy, I had laparoscopic Roux-en-Y.
That was April 4, 2006. Now almost 16 months
later I have lost 110 pounds, my blood sugar, cholesterol and blood
pressure are all within normal ranges. I am taking only a small
amount of blood pressure medication and hope to be off of that
before long. I take much less medication for joint pain and no
longer have to sleep with a C-PAP machine.
The biggest part of my success is the change in
my lifestyle. I can do so much more – go for walks with my dog,
sight-see with my family on vacation. I also sing with a small
professional chorus. For the last few years I have had to sit on a
stool to perform at the concerts. This last May I stood for the
whole concert. That was a huge success for me. And my breath
control and singing have improved so that my voice sounds 10 years
younger. That has been an unexpected benefit.
I have more weight to lose to get to my ideal
weight. And I am struggling not to return to pre-surgery habits.
But the miracle that weight loss surgery has brought to my life and
health is already a success story.
Diane Gentner
Dayton, Ohio
Congratulations Diane |
I Need More
Success Stories!!
If you have good news,
a success story to share, or
inspiration, please send it to me at
Barbara@wlscenter.com so that I can
include it in future issues.
See the article about the new Century Club program above. |

Spreading the Word in Danville, PA |
On Saturday Sept. 8th I will be
speaking in Danville, PA for Geisinger Medical Center’s
Celebration of Success. Call Christina Hartman (570) 271-6709 for
Would you like for me to speak for your
support group? If
your support group has 80 people or more who attend and you would
like for me to speak, have your support group leader contact me
for details. Have them email me at
If you are a
bariatric coordinator and your hospital needs obesity
sensitivity training, I have a sponsor who
often covers my fees and expenses. Email
or call for details 877-440-1518. |


Permission to
Reprint |
You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
“Reprinted from Barbara Thompson’s free
e-newsletter featuring helpful information and research material to
help patients succeed following weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at
http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com ”
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