WLS Center E-Newsletter
A FREE publication by
Issue #24, April 2003
Circulation: 7,661
From the Desk of Barbara Thompson
Author of "Weight Loss Surgery, Finding the Thin Person Hiding
Inside You"
** In this Issue **
* Research Article: Times PicayuneH
* Children & your Surgery: What About Me?
* Recipe: Rueben Casserole
* Book Excerpt: Depression
* Walk From Obesity
* Success Story: Cynthia Pedder
* Spreading the Word in Macon, Merrillville, Lafayette, and New
Dear Subscriber,
I want to take this opportunity to thank so many of you who sent
emails and cards expressing your sympathy about the death of my dog,
Gambler. Your kind words and reminiscences about your own pets
lifted my spirits. So often when I am writing this newsletter month
after month, I feel like I am writing to over 7,500 of my closest
friends. You are a wonderful group of people!

** Research Article: Time Picayune Series on Weight Loss Surgery **
Recently I was interviewed by the Times Picayune of New Orleans
for a series of articles on weight loss surgery that were written by
staff writer Maria Montoya. Maria had her surgery this past Fall and
is sharing her experiences, and those of many others, with the
people of New Orleans. The series is so good, that I wanted to share
it with all of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. There were
several articles over a week’s time. Here are some of the links:
Life Transformed
Maria’s Story
No Quick Fix
One Last Chance: Colleen Hawley
One Last Chance: Allison Romero
One Last Chance: Sherry Siefermann
** Children and Your Surgery: What About Me? **
Being of normal weight is something that you might have longed
for your whole life. As you reached out for the promise offered by
the many diets you have been on, the reality of thinness was always
just out of your reach. You were always plagued by the extra pounds
that made you suffer from ill health, limitations on your activity
or created life threatening conditions. Even if you did not
experience any of these problems, you knew that this disease of
obesity would eventually cause you to have a shorter life. When you
were introduced to the idea of weight loss surgery, the
possibilities seemed to be the answer to a desperate lifelong
You know that you are at a much higher risk of developing
significant problems when you stay morbidly obese, but to your
children, you are their Mom or Dad and you are in the only body that
they have ever known. Even if other children tease them about your
size, and even if they have missed your company in physical
activities, they may still not be ready to accept the changes in you
that will come as a result of your surgery.
For the rest of the article, go to:
** Recipe: Rueben Casserole **
Gosh, I just love Rueben sandwiches. But what I have to admit is
that I really love just the inside. I have never been a big bread
eater. This recipe gives you all of the Rueben ingredients without
the bread, so it is very low in carbohydrates. I think it’s great.
And by the way, if anyone has good low carbohydrate, low fat
recipes, send them in!!
Rueben Casserole
1 lb Deli-style corned beef
6 ounces Swiss cheese
16 ounces of sauerkraut
4 Tablespoons of low-carbohydrate Thousand Island dressing
4 Tablespoons of sugar free Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon of Splenda sweetened relish
Spray a casserole dish with a non stick spray. Tear up slices of
corned beef and scrunch them in the dish. Don’t use the canned
corned beef and don’t lay they slices flat so they are slab like
Drain off half of the sauerkraut juice. However if you are newly
post-op, then drain it all off and rinse the sauerkraut so that it
will not irritate your pouch. You will need to judge that yourself.
Layer the Swiss cheese on top and bake the casserole for 15
minutes at 350 degrees. The cheese should melt just a bit.
While the casserole is baking, mix the mayonnaise, Thousand
Islands dressing and the relish together.
Cut the casserole mixture into 4 squares and place a dollop of
one fourth of the dressing mixture on each square.
Please share your recipes with the rest of us. Send them to me at
** Book Excerpt: Depression **
Recently I have talked with several people who were going through
a very difficult time following their surgery. The depression they
were experiencing, while temporary, was very painful. I wanted to
take this opportunity to remind those of you approaching surgery, to
expect some depression, whether it is mild or profound. Remember
that it will not always be this way. This is an excerpt from my
book, “Weight Loss Surgery; Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside
So you have gone through this surgery. You have waited months for
it, perhaps fought your insurance company to have it. It is what you
thought you wanted. But being thinner does not solve all of your
problems. You are still the same person inside. Your family members
have not changed. Being thinner does not make your life perfect. It
does help many things, and makes them better, such as your health
problems. But it does not solve psychological problems.
You encounter so many changes in your weight loss surgery
journey. A good counselor can help you work your way through these
Depression, following weight loss surgery, is very common for a
variety of factors. First of all, for women, estrogen is running
rampant through your body. As body fat is burned to produce energy,
the estrogen that is stored in those fat cells is released into the
blood stream, causing a hormonal surge. It is like having a very bad
case of PMS. Another cause of depression is the anesthesia from your
surgery. As the anesthesia leaves your system, sometimes taking up
to two weeks, it is very common to experience some level of
depression. And if you have been an emotional eater before surgery,
you no longer have that outlet. You are at home recovering from
surgery, probably watching a lot of television, and being bombarded
with food commercials. You cannot eat any of the food that you see
on television, as you are limited to liquids or pureed foods. Of
course you are depressed!
Many patients experience what Drs. Selinkoff, Pilcher and Reiss
of San Antonio, Texas refer to as “hibernation syndrome.” Within two
to four weeks after surgery, the body realizes that it will not be
getting the nourishment that it is used to receiving and reacts to
that. You feel extremely tired, lethargic, and often depressed. Your
body just wants to stay immobile until the old food supply returns.
This period comes at a time when you are just starting to recover
from the traumatic effects of the surgery. The pain is gone and
energy was just starting to return. And then the hibernation
syndrome hits.
The best way to deal with the hibernation syndrome is to
recognize the symptoms and know that you are normal. Then start to
exercise so that your body becomes accustomed to using your own body
fat as a source of fuel. As soon as your body figures out that it
has ample sources of fuel stored inside, and does not have to be
constantly fed, the syndrome will end. It may take as long as two
weeks for this to happen.
If you do not have your copy of my book "Weight Loss Surgery;
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You," what are you waiting
for? Many surgeons all across the country will not allow their
patients to have the surgery
unless they have read my book. Order your copy at
** Walk From Obesity **
On Saturday, September 20, 2003, the American Society for
Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) will host the first annual Walk From
Obesity. The walk is designed to raise awareness about the effects
of obesity, the discrimination against the obese, and effective
treatments of obesity. Walkers will find personal sponsors for the
event, much the way walks for other diseases are organized. The
funds will go to the ASBS Foundation for obesity awareness and
discrimination, public education, increase education of health care
professionals and for research funding for severe obesity.
I will be speaking in Reno, NV that day for the Western Surgical
Group of St. Mary’s Hospital. They have several activities planned
around this event. I hope that many of you are already organizing
people in your support groups.
I urge all support groups to become involved in this project. It
can be a positive springboard for awareness of our disease. For more
information, go to
** Success Story: Cynthia Pedder **
Hi Barbara,
My name is Cynthia E. Pedder. I'm going to be 48 years old in
May, and for the first time in my life, I like who I am and how I
look. Prior to my surgery, I would avoid mirrors and windows, or
anything that would reflect my image back to me.
I have been overweight for the majority of my life. When I was
born I only weighed 3 pounds, 10 ounces. My mother had a bad fall
when she was carrying me and I was born 3 months early. I was
healthy and a perfect baby, but just tiny, and she was told that I
would always be a tiny, scrawny kid, but that would soon be far from
the truth.
For the rest of Cynthia’s story go to:
I love good news. If you have good news, a success story to
share, or an inspirational message, please send it to me at
Barbara@wlscenter.com so
that I can include it in future issues.