WLS Center E-Newsletter
FREE publication from
Hosted by
Barbara Thompson
Author of:
Weight Loss Surgery:
Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You.
Issue #53 |
August 15, 2004 |

Every time I speak, someone always comments
that I look so much better in person than on my website and that I
need new pictures. So I finally did it! Presenting my new
photo!! Ta Ta! I hope you like it.
And speaking of pictures, I was having my
picture taken recently with some surgeons from a practice where I
was speaking and the person taking the picture said the usual,
“Say cheese.” She then started laughing at me and said, “Boy, you
can tell that you have your picture taken a lot. You strike the
perfect pose.” And I do have my picture taken all the time, and I
no longer hate it like I used to.
I remember taking rolls of film to be
developed and making sure that I picked up the pictures myself so
that I could go through the photos and throw away all the pictures
of myself that somehow sneaked into the pile. They were painful to
look at. I didn’t want any permanent reminds of how bad I looked.
It’s so much better now! |
I hope that all of you either are, or are on your way to becoming
picture hogs. I hope you are dashing in front of the group to be in
the picture rather than trying to hide behind someone else. Just
stand there proudly and say, “Cheeese!”

In This Issue |
* Research Article: Can You Really Make Fast
Food Healthy?
* Super Deal
* A Groaner
* Recipe: Summer Barbeque Sauce
* Success Story: Antoinette Johnson
* Spreading the Word in Jeanette, PA and Boca Raton, FL |

Can You Really Make Fast Food |
Boyle, Matthew, “Can You Really
Make Fast Food Healthy?”
Fortune, 8/9/2004, Vol. 150, Issue 3, p134, 6p.
Fortune Magazine just published an interesting article about
the fast food industry. The fast food chains have received a lot
of criticism lately and taken a lot of the blame for the obesity
crisis (from me included). But this article takes a different view
of the fast food industry by placing some of the blame on the
consumer. It points out that we haven’t taken advantage of the
attempts that the fast food industry has made to offer healthier
offerings. When people go to fast food restaurants, they don’t
want to eat healthy food. The overwhelming choices are greasy
burgers, fattening fries and sugar laden sodas.
In 1981 the fast food chain D’Lites opened, offering lean
hamburgers on multigrain bread and a huge salad bar. With the new
and intense interest at the time with fitness, the founder of the
chain predicted that in 10 years there would be 1,000 locations
and $1 billion in sales.
The company went public in 1984 and the stock zoomed. The other
fast food chains tried to follow suit with healthier choices such
as multigrain buns, low-sodium pickles, and a Lite version of a
Big Mac. But within one year D’Lites was losing money. Customers
weren’t coming back, and by 1986, D’Lites filed for bankruptcy.
Other attempts at healthy food have also been economic
disasters. McDonald’s McLean burger and Taco Bell’s Light menu
both flopped. It doesn’t hold true that if you make it, they will
come. I guess our society is just not ready for healthy fast
This leads me to ask if when you go out to eat, are you looking
for healthy food or do want to forget about eating healthy when
out? Eating out is a major concern of mine because I travel so
much. I struggle constantly trying to find healthy choices. If
every time I ate out I thought, “Well, I’ll just take a break from
watching what I eat,” I would soon regain a lot of weight.
I ate at Ruby Tuesday’s about 3 weeks ago and was delighted
with their menu. For each menu item they listed calories, as well
as grams of fat and carbohydrates. Plus, they offered as a side
option, the mashed cauliflower that tastes like mashed potatoes.
I have passed by Ruby Tuesday’s many times without realizing that
I could eat there and know exactly what I am eating.
If you know of another national chain that also provides complete
nutritional information about their menu items, please email me
and I will share it with everyone. I know that most national
chains have websites that provide this information, but having it
on the menu makes a difference. Maybe we can start our own
movement! |

Super Deal |
Weight loss surgery patients are incredibly
well informed. We have to be informed because we go through such
life altering surgery. Our success and in some respects our safety
depends upon it. But there is always something to learn.
Do you know: |
What over the counter medication to avoid
after surgery? |
What cuts of meat are the best to buy after
surgery? |
What to do when you hit a plateau? |
How to prepare for surgery so you are as safe
as possible? |
What our family members go through as we are
losing massive amounts of weight? |
Why we have a weight problem when others
don’t? |
What 4 rules to follow to be successful? |
Want to know the answers to these questions and more?
Then invest in your health.
I have put together a special package
consisting of several of my educational
This Super WLS Package contains:
My Weight Loss Surgery Book |
“A Thin Way of Life” CD |
“All About Food” CD |
“Exercise: You Can't Reach Goal Without It” CD |
This Super WLS Package
deal will save you $18.85
over the normal retail price of the individual items!
If you have been thinking of buying any of these
items, I suggest you consider the Super WLS Package Deal.
Click here for

A Groaner |
I have a groaner for you compliments of my Aunt
Evelyn who is visiting us this week.
We were driving over a bridge and my Mother
noted a sign that said that overweight trucks had to exit. “Where
do those overweight trucks go?” asked my Mother. “They have to take
the gastric bypass,” joked my Aunt. I told you it was a


Barbeque Sauce |
Summer is starting to wind down and
the last major holiday, Labor Day will be here soon. If you have a
picnic planned you may want to try this Bar-B-Que
sauce which is low in calories and carbs. Brush it on a skinless
chicken breast, grill it, and you’re set.
Summer Barbeque Sauce
Makes about 2 cups
1 yellow onion minced
2 garlic cloves crushed
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup artificial brown sugar such as
Sugar Twin
1 cup low carb ketchup
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
Saute the onion and garlic in the
butter until translucent. Add the butter and brown sugar and simmer
for 1 minute. Add the low carb ketchup, vinegar, mustard,
Worcestershire sauce and lemon rind, stirring constantly. Pour in
the lemon juice and stir well until blended. Simmer over low heat
for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Brush on ribs or
chicken while grilling.
If you have a recipe that you would
like to share in future issues of this
newsletter, please send it to me at
If you have a recipe that you would like to
share in future issues of this newsletter,
please send it to me at
Barbara@wlscenter.com |

I want to offer special thanks to
Antoinette Johnson of Ft. Lauderdale, FL for sharing her success.
Here is her story:
My life as a young girl was actually
normal. I was average weight. Once I had children it was all over
with being average. At the age of 22 I was over 250 pounds with two
children. I could hardly walk a flight of stairs without being out
of breath. By the time I was 33 I was about 310 pounds and my
weight was climbing. When I got ready to have the gastric bypass
surgery, I weighed 322 pounds, and wore a size 32. My arms where so
big that I did not actually wear a size 32 blouse but in order to
get my arms in a blouse I had to go up 2 sizes. My waist was not a
size 32 but my buttock was.
In 1999 I tried diet after diet. I
watched what I ate and lost, but then regained. In 2002 I decided
enough was enough. I found Dr. English and he saved my life with GOD
guiding his hands. I was scheduled to have surgery in March 2003 but
in February it was delayed due to my anemia. I started taking iron
pills and protein shakes to make things happen. For three month I
was the protein queen.
In May the surgery date was
re-scheduled. The surgery was great, the hospital was awesome and my
family support was a BIG bag of chips. Well I should say my family
support was like a PROTEIN shake (think healthy).
Before surgery 322
pounds After surgery 1 year
200 pounds
I couldn’t lotion my
own legs without my daughters’ help |
Now I lotion my legs
and help them lotion theirs |
I could not put on
my own bra |
I put my bra on with
no problem |
I couldn’t walk up a
flight of stair without passing out |
I can walk up
several flights and laugh when I reach the top |
I didn’t like to go
to my daughters’ school because the children would say, “Your
mom is fat.” |
I walk through the
school like super mom |
I wore big blouses
to cover my body |
I wear blouses to
show my figure |
I used to only look
at my face in the mirror |
Now I look in a full
mirror and say
“You GO Girl” |
I never shared
clothes with my daughters
(that mother
daughter thing) |
Now I am a size 14
she is all in my closet |
Now I am a size 14, weighing 200 pounds
and I feel like Cat Woman. I want to climb some walls and fly. I
have a friend that is about 130 pounds soaking wet. He says, “Toni,
you have lost a whole person.”
I went through a hair faze. Not because
of the hair I lost but because I had so much hair and my face was
too small for it. I have changed hair style 4 times in 3 months. I
went from a wig to a short cut in the front, long in the back, put
in a long hair weave then wore it natural. Finally I said, “Cut it
all off.” Now I am happy. This life change has made me a better
person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I would
recommend this surgery to anyone
In just 1 year
122 pounds lighter
Size 32 to 14
GOD is good
Antoinette Johnson
Lauderdale, FL.
Before |
After |
I love good news. If you have good news, a
success story to share, or inspiration,
please send it to me at
Barbara@wlscenter.com so that I can
include it in future issues. |

Permission to
You may reprint any items from this newsletter in your own print or
electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
from Barbara Thompson’s free e-newsletter featuring helpful
information and research material to help patients succeed following
weight loss surgery.
Subscribe at
http://www.barbarathompsonnewsletter.com/ |

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